The end of September is approaching and we are in full season swing with 3 meets this week!!!
Monday Sept 28 Mona Shores- 4:20pm girls start and boys will start 4:40pm.
Mona Shores Middle School:
1700 Woodside Rd, Norton Shores, MI 49441, United Statesmap
Since this meet is in Muskegon County there is
NO BUS HOME!! Runners must be picked up at Mona Shores at 5:20pm. Whomever is picking up runners please sign them out on our clipboard. Runners please write down your mile split time and the adult that is taking you needs to initial in the OUT section.
Tuesday Practice at the Middle School.
Wednesday Sept 30th N. Rockford- 4:15pm it appears that we will run boys and girls together....we have never done that before but that is what the race info says...hmmm?!?! ( I hope to get more clarification tomorrow) Bus will return runners to the Middle school. Runners will be dismissed early from class. Bus will return runners to RPMS 6:30ish. I will post return ETA when we leave Rockford.
Meet is held at East Rockford Middle School: 8615 9 Mile Rd NE, Rockford, MI 49341
Thursday Oct.1st Northview Color FUN Run-
Northview Crossroads Middle School:
4400 Ambrose NE Grand Rapids 49525
Wear white and be ready for a great, fun recovery day. Bus will return runners to RPMS 6:30ish.